The Minister Development Committee has responsibility for all matters in connection with the Ministership, the Officiancy and the Approved Celebrancy.

Its duties include considering and reporting on recommendations for these appointments, training and assessing approved candidates for these, arranging for the ordination of Ministers and services of acceptance of office of Officants and Approved Celebrants, issuing of appropriate documentation in respect of these supporting them following appointment, appointing and revoking the appointment of Regional Superintendent Ministers, conducting a biennual review of all Ministers, Officiants and Approved Celebrants, formulating and revising as necessary the procedures for assessment for the Ministership, and arranging for the holding of periodical conferences and refresher courses for Ministers, Officiants and Approved Celebrants and the dissemination of information about these.

All communications for the committee should be addressed to the Secretary

The Members of the Minister Development Committee are as follows:

Chairman Minister Julia Almond

Tel: 07972 147678

Email: [email protected]


Minister Matthew Smith

Tel: 07766 370660

Email: [email protected]

Secretary Miriam Fitzgerald OSNU

Email: [email protected]

Committee Member Minister Sandra Hagger

Tel: 07702 123634

Email: [email protected]

Committee Member Minister Libby Clark OSNU

Tel: 01623 515899

Email: [email protected]