Angels Speak - Carolyn Hornblow

This book can change your life. Similar to Desiderata, these fifty inspired ‘talks’ can assist you to live a more satisfying, happier life. You are given tools to help you connect to your Spiritual Soul Self. To help guide and assist you in many ways and discover how to have a more fulfilling, peaceful, and contented life. Carolyn channels Spiritual Wisdom to help us recognise that we are all Spiritual Beings in Human Bodies; trying the best we can to discover why we are here and what our life purpose is. 

    • This is an amazing book. A cross between Desiderata and The Alchemist, it is full of wisdom. ,Just what the World needs now. The author has even added a section on how to meditate. Excellent value for the very modest price.

    • Not only interesting and insightful wise words but accessible and useful tools for everyday life. Tools that we all need to be reminded of at some point during our lifetime. Great read.

    • I’ve only read a few of the talks so far, doing as suggested and dipping in to see what speaks to me, but I’ve already found it to bring a calmness and quiet to my mind which is always a good thing in these frenetic and alarming times around the world. And I find I am looking forward to reading whatever page falls open for me the next day. I really feel as if it’s the spirits themselves reading it to me in my mind.

    • I have Known Carolyn for most of my life and for the past twenty years very well. After reading only a couple of paragraphs of one of the Talks I realised the words were not Carolyn’s. The composition and style are just so different from the Carolyn I know. The conclusion is astounding. It is not a book to read from cover to cover but to dip into. The reader will be rewarded with many pearls of wisdom and insights. I cannot recommend the book more highly.

    About the Author

    Carolyn Hornblow is working as an Accredited Medium, Speaker and Healer of the Spiritualist National Union (SNU). For several yea1·s she has studied at The Arthur Findlay College, Stansted, England; an International Training Centre for Medium, Psychics and Spiritual Development. She has gained a Certificate of the Spiritualist National Union (CSNU) She is also a retired Registered Nurse.