A Pot Pourri of Spiritualism

Pot Pourri is a Lyceum Union publication which includes a selection of miscellaneous thoughts suitable for readings and discussion.

So often we search for a reading which is suitable for a Spiritualist Service or  Discussion Group -so often we are disappointed. It was therefore a pleasant task looking through past editions of The Banner’ and discovering articles both inspired and inspiring -

“A pot pourri of thoughts” to create thoughts.

Nora Shaw, DSNU


The Spiritualist Platform - Ron May CSNU

The Lifeline - Nora Shaw DSNU

Concerning Easter - Brian Hastie

Gifts are Given, Not Received - Stanley Bond

Childhood - Dorothy C. Jones

Growing Up - Frank Breakspear

All Partial Evil, Universal Good - Lionel Owen

Immortality - Doris Davey MSNU

A Cloud of Witnesses - Arthur Clayton

Our Naming Ceremonies - Doris Davey MSNU

November Ghosts -Ernest Gigg

A Fresh Start - Jack Jones DSNU

Tennyson A Spiritualist? - Doris Davey MSNU

Our Message of Love - Derek Ansell

The Hidden Glory - Walter Taylor FSNU

Then, Now and Always - David Hopkins MSNU

A Drop in the Ocean - Stella Cohen

Better Late Than Never - Violet Kipling DSNU

Life - Doris Davey MSNU

Personal Responsibility - Mary Nethercote

Thoughts on Clairvoyance - Harry Cohen

The Origins of Christmas - William Kingsley FSNU

Spiritualism and a Young Mind - Dorothy Kavanagh