Someone had the audacity to post something on my Facebook page about "Normal Wellbeing” for the over 50s! 

This set me thinking not about the recommendations the article made about nutrition and exercise etc. (perish the thought) but rather that these are words I don't give much thought to because I enjoy normal wellbeing.

How fortunate does that make me? What about people who are unable to say that? Those who through no fault of their own, if you like who are victims of circumstance, don’t enjoy full wellbeing. People who very often try to hide the truth from the world.

Doesn’t Principle 2 in particular put the onus on me to be more aware of their needs and try to offer help? YES IT DOES!

Embarrassed doesn’t describe how I’m feeling at the moment, ashamed might be a better word. So I intend to try and change to become more aware of the needs of others and apply myself to them. Earthly life is meant to teach us lessons that will enable us to be better individuals. To this end I’ve already started to consider "Normal Wellbeing” and the Mind webpage has taught me the following -

  • feel relatively confident in yourself and have positive self-esteem
  • feel and express a range of emotions
  • build and maintain good relationships with others
  • feel engaged with the world around you
  • live and work productively
  • cope with the stresses of daily life
  • adapt and manage in times of change and uncertainty

I’m blessed with all of the above and from now on I promise to seek out those who lack any of these abilities and give them whatever support I am able. 

God Bless.

Minister Alan Rawnsley

(This page contains external links to information resources about our wellbeing on the Mind website. Mental Health Awareness Week encourages us all to talk about our mental health. This year's theme is body image, and relates to self-esteem. Like Alan, you could start a conversation with someone today and be of great service to those around you!)