The Lyceumists' 1st BOOK OF SPIRITUALISM

The Lyceumists' 1st BOOK OF SPIRITUALISM

Whilst this book is designed as a text book to accompany the Education Scheme of the Spirit-ualists’ Lyceum Union it is hoped that its appeal and its worth will extend to a far wider read-ership. The book itself is a basic introduction to the various aspects of Spiritualism and will provide the reader with an insight into what Spiritualism is all about. For the first time within one book we find Spiritualism explained in its component parts as a Religion, a Philosophy, a Science and an Art in twenty easy to read and easy to understand different topics. The book is intended to give a basic understanding of Spritualism to the student and to the enquirer and, it is hoped, to encourage further investigation and study. Above all, it is sincerely hoped that the book will be enjoyed and that it will create a desire within its readers to look ever more deeply into this fascinating subject.