To achieve the aims of the SNU in its work and communication, the organisation has a structure that is known as the 'Three Tier System'. The aim of this system is to provide two way channels for the voice of the membership to reach the directors and the return of direction and support from the directors and committees of the SNU, as a management team, back to the membership.
Three Tier System
It can be seen that the voice of the membership is expressed through their local representatives, onward through to national level in the SNU Council and from there by representation on the National Executive Committee. Looking at the committees in detail, it can be seen that the main officers of the SNU have a place on the SNU Council and it is here in the Council that we find the key hub of communications across the SNU membership and the branches of the SNU.
In addition to this an Annual Conference is held, where the NEC reports to the membership on the annual activities of the SNU and where all Individual members and member organisations may make their voice heard. There may also be voting on key motions that may be presented at the meeting.