CSNU (h) - Healing

Before applying for this award, a candidate must be a Registered Accredited Healing Medium for a minimum of one year and have passed either the H2 or the SH2 Education Course. (Those who have completed H2 must read a copy of the SH2 Coursework book before starting their CSNUh training). 


Candidates will be issued with a logbook that contains the information required for the award including training sessions to complete the criteria. The Pre-FAB training sessions must be completed within 3 years to the satisfaction of the trainer.


The Final Assessment is arranged by the Healing Committee. A candidate must complete a private interview and an oral test of ten questions based on courses studied, 'Healing Code of Conduct/ Healing and the Law' and knowledge of the SNU. The candidate must give prayers suitable for a public  Spiritualist healing session and give healing to two people (one by contact healing and one by distant healing), to last no more than twenty minutes.


The candidate is also required to deliver a talk suitable for an audience of trainee healers. The talk should cover basic healing techniques from initial contact to completion. The talk duration should be fifteen minutes and allow a further 5 minutes for any questions from the assessors.


Previous study required: Accredited Healing Medium, SH2/H2 course.

Registration Fee: £50.00

Final Assessment Fee: £40.00