Toolkit for Churches

The ToolKit for Churches is a new, proactive approach, intended to help church committees. It provides basic and essential information to facilitate the successful functioning of a church. It is hoped it will provide a ‘one stop’ source of information for church committees, but there is no guarantee that every eventuality is covered. The intention is that it will result in fewer churches needing to call for the national organisation to support their functioning. IT DOES NOT MEAN THAT SUCH SUPPORT IS BEING WITHDRAWN, or that churches will become more remote from the parent organisation.

The ToolKit by eliminating the time spent by committee’s determining information about who, what, why, when and where, will, in particular, help those officers and committee members newly elected and also make the work of established church committees easier, by freeing up time for the day-to-day functions.

To find out more about whats in the Church Toolkit click here