How to deal with Motions Amendments & Resolutions

A small booklet designed to guide SNU Churches and committees through Motions, amendments & resolutions.

A motion is a proposal for debate at a meeting.  It should normally be written down and signed by the proposer and seconder.  The debate will normally end in a vote.

An amendment is a proposal to improve a motion by adding to, deleting from or otherwise changing the wording of a motion so as to alter its effect without destroying its purpose.  Amendments also need a proposer and seconder, and, where possible, should be written down and signed.

A resolution is a motion, whether amended or not, that has been passed, usually by a vote, and thus ‘resolved’.

The terms ‘motion’ and ‘resolution’ are sometimes used confusingly.  It helps to remember that a resolution can only be created by passing a motion.  The context will usually make clear which term is appropriate if there is any doubt.  Motions are for debate.  Resolutions are for action.  It follows that most rules about motions are procedural and those for Churches are in Rule 30 (Standing Orders for General Meetings).  Church Rule 7, on the other hand, concerns itself solely with resolutions because a Church can only be run on the basis of decisions taken by the members approving motions and thus turning them into resolutions.