The Religion of Spiritualism

The Religion of Spiritualism 

This is the second publication by the Philosophy and Ethics committee of The Spiritualists' National Union, the first being Philosophy of Spiritualism which explored the Seven Principles of Spiritualism.

This book, the Religion of Spiritualism, is presented in three sections; The Religion of Spiritualism, The Role of Spiritualist Churches and Societies, The question of Reincarnation.

In their two publications the writers have explored their chosen subjects in order to clarify and shed light on many diverse spiritual matters from a Spiritualist point of view. They encourage readers to apply their own logic and understanding to the subjects under review. The section on reincarnation has been included in this book because many people associate it with Spiritualism. The authors feel that reincarnation should be discussed by the Spiritualist community and debated openly and without prejudice, so that armed with knowledge and understanding, individuals can draw conclusions as to where they stand on this subject.

This book is based on the knowledge and research of three individuals whose combined experience of working within the Modern Movement of Spiritualism totals over 140 years.

Authors: Minister Barry Oates, Minister David Hopkins and Carole Austin OSNU

First published in 2010