The Lyceum Manual
This Manual is designed to be a thoroughly practical work. inculcating the leading ideas of the progressive and spiritual teachings of the day. The music (both Sol-fa and Old Notation) for the Lyceum Songs, Musical Readings, &c., in this Manual. will be found in "The “Spiritual Songster”; the page for each is given immediately under the title of each song, &c. ; similar references are given to many of the S.C. Recitations which are set to music and can thus be utilised as additional songs.
The compilers desire to acknowledge their indebtedness to the various authors and publishers from whose rich store they have gathered so many bright gems, and especially to those from whom permission had to be obtained. and who so readily granted it. Alterations have been made in some of the originals in order to adapt them to the design of this work; this is frankly admitted here. that no one may regard the authors as responsible for the few variations which will be found occasionally introduced into their compositions. This work is a labour of love, with the earnest desire that it may aid in the promulgation of truth and the spiritual unfoldment of humanity.
For use in progressive Lyceums connected with Spiritualists’ Churches and Kindred Bodies originally compiled from various sources by Emma Hardinge Britten, Alfred Kitson and H.A. Kersey.
First published 1887
The Lyceum
"LYCEUM" was the name given originally to a gymnasium and garden with covered walks near the temple of Apollo Lyceus at Athens. Aristotle taught there, and hence the name was applied to his school of philosophy. Aristotle's school came to be known as the Peripatetic, from the walks in the garden in which Aristotle walked and talked with his pupils. The name has been used in many languages for places of instruction. Andrew Jackson Davis used this name for Spiritualist Sunday School, which he inaugurated in 1863.