Diplomas (DSNU) DSNU(H) - Healing A candidate must hold the CSNU(h) award and have completed and passed the H3/SH3 education course. Applications for training for this award cannot be accepted until a minimum of one year has passed since the candidate attained their CSNU(h). Candidates will be issued with a logbook that contains the information required for the award, including training information on the pre-FAB training sessions required to complete the criteria. The training sessions must be completed to the satisfaction of the trainer. The final assessment is arranged by the SNU Healing Committee, which will include an oral test of ten questions based on the training undertaken and being a representative of the SNU. The candidate will also give a 20 minute talk suitable for a large public audience of Spiritualists and non- Spiritualists. The use of visual aids is permitted. This will be followed by a 10 minute question and answer session. The candidate will then answer three questions posed by the assessors. The candidate is then required to give a 20 minute demonstration of healing mediumship, working with a minimum of two recipients and giving both an opening and closing prayer suitable for a public healing session. Previous Study required: CSNU in Healing & the H3/SH3 Course Registration Fee: £50.00 Final Assessment Fee: £40.00 APPLY NOW Manage Cookie Preferences